Wildcats Tear Up Mooseheads.

The Moncton Wildcats continue their streak by defeating the Halifax Mooseheads at the Moncton Coliseum, with a 5-2 victory.
The first goal of the game came by way of the Mooseheads during the second period of play, but Moncton came back with 4 more before the end of the second. Halifax then got their final goal of the night in the third period, and with only 5 seconds left on the clock the Wildcats put the puck in an empty net making it 5-2 final score. Moncton out shot Halifax 45-23.
The photo above is of Cole Harbour N.S native, Nathan Welton (#27) as he belts a slapshot at Halifax goalie Jeremy Duchesne.
This photo was taken during the first period, from directly across the ice. The shutter was set at 1/125 sec, with a F-stop of 6.3, ISO 1600, no flash.
I really like how I caught the shot in mid-motion. The only thing I don't really care for is the blurred hand, but the more I think about it, the more I like it cause it shows the speed of the shot. Another nice part of the photo is the postition; one leg lifted in the air.
I think if I could go back and re-shoot the photo I would use a faster shutter (1/250) and possibly zoom out a bit to get the blade of the stick.