Saturday, March 04, 2006

Path Less Travelled. A Photo From Fundy.

"Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there is no path
and leave a trail."
This is a quote of what I see when looking at this photo.

This photo was taken during a road trip to Fundy National Park, about an hour outsie Moncton,NB. It was taken about mid-day (1pm or so) and the sun was shining bright. Pretty warm day for winter. My focus when I went on this trip was to photograph trees. Those creepy old leafless trees, but when I took this picture I just had to post it here.

The area where the photo was taken was by the kids play area, over looking the golf course.

I used my Canon Digital Rebel, with a 300mm lense (not fully zoomed in), I shot in full automatic mode and I used a star filter to make the sun seem almost starish. What I love most about the photo is the colors and how the path on the golf course sort of fades into effect.

The photo also looks amazing in black & white.