Swimsuits to Leathers.

The photo your looking at was taken on the first night of SpeedsportEast at the Moncton Coliseum. It was taken during the Ruth Barnes Fashion Show, where the girls and guys sported swimsuits and clothing available at "Toys For Big Boys".
I'm not sure of the girls name in the photo as I was actually there to shoot some pics for a friends, who was also modeling also, which none of her pics turned outby the way. The lighting was horrible, which made if very difficult to get a good shot.
This shot I really like cause she is a gorgeous girl with a perfect pose. I love the black background and how the light fades her body in and out. The only thing I'm not crazy about is the spotlight on her face, but if you think about it too it shows that she was on stage with "all lights on her".
The photo was taken on automatic settings with no flash, so i had to wait for her to completely stop in her tracks and then when I snap the photo I must me still, very still.