Secrets To Creating Ghosts.

Its 12:42 am, on a Saturday morning, and what am I doing?
I'm standing in Riverview, 2 minutes from the old Coverdale Bridge on the walking path with my good friend Brad. All night Brad and I have been taking photos of various things, I think we actually started about 4pm. We covered flowers, nature, people, and even a porcupine on the side of the road. But now it's dark, and neither of us were ready to call it a night.
Then a little lightbulb appeared above my head like in a cartoon, and I had an idea. An idea that seemed impossible at the time. I told Brad lets photograph "ghosts". What I meant is lets make Brad seem eerie, and transparent. It took 45 horrible photos before I got the hang of it with all the right settings. Then I got the photo that is placed before you. It's aptly titled "Transparent".
We took out a spotlight from the trunk of the car and placed it on the ground facing Brad. I then proceeded by setting the tripod up and setting my camera settings to not allow a lot of light to enter my camera, so I could cause a motion blur. I told Brad I wanted him to take a step, and stop for 5 seconds, then another step and pause for 3 seconds and continued doing the same until he reached 1 second, then I would shut the lense.
What that did was make it so Brad was in the photo about 5 different times at 5 different positions at 5 different transparencies. All that mixed with the very sharp cityscape of Moncton and the black sky, and the fencing that you can see right through Brad made for one ghastly image.
My next creation will be a self portrait, standing behind a grave (tombstone) with my last name, with an arm motion making me seem almost Angelic. That photo should be interesting, and about a month away.