Friday, February 10, 2006

Hubcap Comedy Festival - Night Of A 1000 Laughs.

The Pumphouse Brewery on Orange Lane, in downtown Moncton, NB, was my first stop of two for the night. I walked through the door at about 6pm, just in time for the second act.

Miller Crosby, an Ottawa born comic stepped up to the mic and instantly had the patrons of The Pumphouse Brewery laughing with her side-splitting humour. Miller would later on that night appear at the "All Star Gala" within the Capitol Theatre.

I shot this photo with a 70-300mm lense; a ISO of 1600, F-stop 4.0 and shutter speed of 1/80. Out of all the shots I took tonight, this is one of my favorites. It's not my typical style (I'm more of a close-up guy) but I loved the reflection in the window to the left. Another nice thing about the photo was the light placement. I find when you look at this picture, you instantly see the focus was all on Miller Crosby.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Joe Moka -Guatemalan Tribal Masks

Joe Moka Cafe on Main at Robinson Street, in Downtown Moncton NB, is renovating its interior and here is an interesting wall mounting that I shot with a cup of Java. Shot with a regular lens, early afternoon light.

Very interesting wall hanging of Guatemalan masks. Click here to lean more about Joe Moka Cafe.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

HMV Mall Store- Champlain Mall Store-Greater Moncton Shopping for Music

Today in Champlain Mall at the HMV store for music.

I shot this photo with my Canon Digital Rebel. The picture was shot at about 50mm with flash. I wanted to get more of a kids eye view, so I shot this photo from the front of the store, between the 2 front racks, while kneeling down.

HMV is located just down the hall from Don Cherry's Restaurant, next to Shoppers in Champlain Mall.

With a ton of music and movies to choose from and fun and knowledgeable staff. HMV is definitely a great place to check out for your music and movie needs.