Angele: "Get To Know".

I decided to try something different. I decided to do more of a "get to know" piece on local Moncton people, and try to get to know them a bit, basically by asking some fun questions.
This photo was taken at eye level with the subject, using 1/40 shutter speed, f-stop of 4.5, ISO 400 with no flash. I had her stand on an angle and turn her face more toward me, cause I find straight on shots are quite boring.
Angele Marie Arsenault was born at the Moncton Hospital on July16th, 1987. She was raised in Richibouctou-Village. She currently works in Moncton.
Here is my Q&A with Angele:
1) What would you consider the "ultimate chcik flick"?
The Notebook of course ...
2) What's your Zodiac sign?
3) When your in a bad mood, what one thing can make you smile?
The people I work with.
4) Who was your Idols growing when you were a kid?
The Spicegirls ... haha!
5) What is your favorite flower?
6) Which cartoon character are you most like?
7) Do you have any secret talents?
Not that I know of!
8) If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would you wanna be?
I don't really care, as long as their money comes with it!
9) If you could have dinner with any for people, past or present ... who would they be?
(1) Bono, U2 (2) Bob Marley (3) Paul Walker (4) A really hot guy!
10) What is your favorite smell?
Something like oranges, mango, pineapple .... or coconut, YUM!
11) Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp?
Brad Pitt.
12) Have you ever broken a bone?
A finger! ouch!
13) What is your favorite band?
14) What is your favorite movie?
White Chicks.
15) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
With a big house, down south.
16) What song, when listening to makes you think about yourself or someone close to you?
Africa by TOTO - Inside joke at work! haha. Makes cute guys come in!
17) Where do you work?
Oliver Soapery.
18) How would you describe yourself in one word?
19) Favorite actress/actor?
Too many to choose from.
20) Do you sing in the shower?
YES! All the time.
I would like to thank Angele for letting me do this interview on her.
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