Life Outside The Zoo: Pedro's Story.

Tonight was like any other night. I come home from work about 10pm, grab a snack, chat a bit with family then head down to my room where I begin my hours of photo editing. But unlike any other photographer I do not do my photo editing alone. Beside me, staring at me with his peircing little eyes is a good little friend of mine, who is always willing to keep me company, Pedro.
Pedro is a 2 year old bearded dragon. He came to me from the Magnetic Hill Zoo in Moncton,NB where I used to photograph alot of their animals. Pedro was named by my sisters, after the former Boston Red Sox pitcher "Pedro Martinez". We thought that naming him the "Magnetic Hill Reject" was a little harsh ... and too long to say everytime. Pedro moved in with me about a year ago, after he was viciously attacked by the other bearded dragon which he shared a room with at the zoo. With the loss of his back left foot and the end of his tail, Pedro has made a lovely home here with me. At first he was cautious, but now I believe he knows everything is ok, and no one is going to eat him.
Alot of the time when I edit photos, Pedro accompanies me until he gets sleepy and passes out on the desk.
Here is some info on Pedro you might find interesting:
Name: Pedro
Origin: Australia.
Nickname(S): Tri-pod,legs,runt, and lazy.
Favorite foods: carrots, endive, and crickets.
Favorite Muppet: Kermit the Frog.
Origin: Australia.
Marital Status: Single and looking.
Girlfriend Qualifications: Brightly colored, non-agressive, lazy and 4 feet.
Favorite Movie: Godzilla, the newer version, not the old one.
Although Pedro is not a big talker, he does enjoy long walks on the woodchips, crispy vegetables, playing Tarzan with his fake vines, and working on his tan under the heat lamp.
This photo was taken in a dark room, with a lamp shining to the side of Pedro. I had the settings on automatic without flash. I positioned a black background in back of him, also to the left and right. When the photo was done I transferred it to my PC and turned it greyscale, and then added a sepia tone to it. I also played around with the contrast a bit.
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