Saturday, January 13, 2007

A Mosiac Dream

So this is the 4th month of Nick Gaines Photo Club, and the projects have all been passed out. My project should be easy, its a fascination project. Take 24 pics of things that fascinate you. Well, I recently descovered that I love shattered glass, and I'm fascinated by the design it makes.

The photo u see here was taken out in Memramcook, NB at what I call the "car graveyard". In this place there is tons of cars looking kind of weathered. Its scary to just open the car door and sit inside, afraid a rat might jump out and bite you in the ass. So I sat down and shot this photo from the inside of the car looking out through the winsheild. The black in the background are the trees, which in my opinion is very cool.

This photo is called "Mosaic Dream" and it was shot with very low shutter and a f-stop of about 4.5. A bit of editing was done just to bring out the glow.