Vandalism Should Not Be Tolerated.

For many years, ghost stories and local folklore have caught my attention. Whether it be, stories of Rebecca's Grave, the Dungarven Whooper, or even the statue of Jenny Steeves in Grey's Island Cemetary.
Now I know most people don't believe in ghost and strange phenomena, but a story usually starts from something true, and over the years it gets exagerated immensely.
The photo above is of the statue in Grey's Island Cemetary, located in Hillsborough, NB. just outside Riverview & Moncton.
The story of Jenny Steeves, from what I have studied is just a sad story. It's not a murder story or anything gruesome like that. It's about a young girl, Jenny Steeves who I believe was aged 12-13, from a well-to-do family. She passed away from Diptheria in 1912. Her parents had a statue of her made purely of marble. And so the story should end there. But it doesn't.
Here are the 3 stories I have heard about Jenny Steeves and her infamous statue:
1) At night her spirit walks along the path by her grave and her brothers unmarked grave and picks flowers. She picks the flowers on her brothers grave so people can tell where he is. (notice the bag she carries in the photo).
2) It is believed she once had ruby eyes, and a gold ring on her finger (her hand once pointed outwards, as if saying "look there"). Now people believe she haunts the statue, in hopes of finding what was once hers.
And this last story I have tested and studied, and I'm not saying its true, but it was definately weird.
3) Folklore has it that if you walk around the statue backwards 3 times while staring at her eyes, the eyes will follow you, and then you will disappear. I believe the ruby eyes, and the ring, cause i have seen the statue years ago when the head and hand was there. When the head was there there were spots where something should have been in the eyes, and the hand was there but the finger was missing. I have tried this along with 2 of my friends years back and I video taped it. What I found disturbing was that I saw no such activity when walking backwards. When we checked the tape over, her eyes sure as hell did follow us. However, I believe its just the way the sun hit the shadows of Jennys eyes. And as for the disappearing ... I'm still here.
The picture was shot during mid-day, directed straight at the object. The camera was set on all automatic settings. What makes me sick is that for some sick reason vandals broke her arm off and stole her head.
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