Denis - "Get To Know"

Here is another "Get To Know" article on former Future Shop computer associate, turned MINACS personnel Denis Caissie.
Denis was brought into the world on January 1st, 1980. He tells me he was the 3rd baby born on that morning. Denis was raised in Irishtown, and graduated high school at Moncton High School in 1999.
This photo was taken at a higher level than the subject, using 1/100 shutter speed, f-stop of 5.0, ISO 200 with no flash. I had him sit on the driveway, and I took the photo from the top of the deck looking down. I hate face to face pics. Very boring.
1) What is your favorite song?
I like Brian Wilson by Barenaked Ladies.
2) Would you rather have 4 quarters, 20 nickels, or 10 dimes?
I wouldn't mind having 20 nickels to upset a cashier for fun.
3) Who was the best villan in all the Batman movies?
The Joker- by Jack Nicholson.
4) What are you afraid of?
I'm afraid of loosing a love, or someone dying. I guess I worry too much about people. But I can be shocked to witness something instead of being afraid. I am afraid of loosing something worth of value. I am afraid of failing at something I want to succeed at.
5) Superman or Spider-man?
Spiderman, cause I would love to hang upside down in the rain and kiss Kirsten Dunst.
6) Ever been to Alaska?
No. Isn't that really up north where the Eskimos live? Hah!
7) What cd is in your stereo right this minute?
Bryan Adams (Room Service). Getting pumped for the concert tonight.
8) What did you wanna be when you were growing up?
A singer. I used to sing on the bus at age 6 and people hated me for it.
9) If you could be any cartoon character who would you be?
Homer from the Simpsons because he gets more stupid every year. Doh!
10) Which came first the chicken or the egg?
One day, the chicken was walking down the street, and came across this beautiful female chicken, and then came chicken little. So basically I say the chicken came first out of nowhere, but the egg came at a close second.
I would like to thank Denis for his very insightful answers into the life of Denis Caissie.
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